UPVC Door Repair in Widnes
WE are UPVC door repair experts in Widnes.
If your door has dropped and needs realigning with the frame.
Maybe your door has jammed shut and you can no longer open or shut your door in Widnes.
If you need a door repaired in Widnes then give us a call for your free assessment on what the issue may be.
Read MoreLock Replacement Widnes
Today our Locksmith in Widnes was called out to a local property in Widnes where the customer had just moved in.
The customer wanted all of the locks replaced as they was unsure whether the old owners still had keys to the property.
Land Rover opened in Widnes
Today our Auto Locksmith was called to open this Land Rover Discovery in Widnes as the keys was locked inside.
Our Auto Locksmith in Widnes picked the lock on the door to gain access with no damage at all.